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Radio Teleswitch Service electricity meters need changing soon.

The radio signal that controls some types of electricity meter is being turned off, but you won’t be cut off. Here’s what’s happening.

What is the Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS)?

The Radio Teleswitch Service, as the name suggests, uses a radio signal to help control and manage specific electricity meters.

RTS was introduced to help manage complex meters - such as Economy 7, before smart meters were around. It’s old tech now though, and the service is due to be closed so we need to upgrade your meter before that happens.

Replacing your RTS meter.

Book your appointment now and get upgraded to a brand new smart meter.

Book a smart meter appointment

What happens to my energy tariff?

You’ll stay on the same tariff when your meter changes, and it’s fitted at no extra cost. For some customers, there may be a small difference to your peak and off-peak timings, but other than that you won’t notice any difference.